Hiyoko's Magical March by ABCfred202

Hello, this is quite the new experience, isn't it~? I haven't touched Quest in years, but here we are, and I'm ready to try this once again, as a sort of monthly series~

Now for the actual game part of things, Hiyoko gains the power to be the Ulitimate Brat and begins transforming everyone~ I'll leave the rest in the game to be discovered, yet knowledge of the beginning of Danganronpa: S, and especially the actual mainline games is appreciated to experience this game.

Also, there will be an optional ARG sort of mini-game inbetween parts of horniness, to discover a password to a bigger story, feel free to work together to solve it~! Just don't like... actually leave the answer down there lol, I will delete any of those comments lol~

And lastly, we have a patreon, please support us if you wanna see more things like this in the future~! I and my wife, we'd sincerely appreciate the support~!

(3/10/2025) Update: Things broke cause of a failed checkpoints feature, everything is fixed and remade, this is a sort of test state for it all as I continue to work on the rest of the game, just to get this massive amount of content out the door in two sets as opposed to waiting any longer lol~

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 01 Mar 2025
Updated 11 Mar 2025





