Herbationes Danensis by niklasalden

You are a botany student in the year of 1760. The history takes place in Upsala (they spelled Uppsala that way then), in the country of Sweden. The flower on the cover art should give you an idea of what you are supposed to do in this game.

Note: This game is still work in progress. There might be bugs and weird things. Also, the game concept (what to do in the game) have not been built up according to my ambitions yet. But feel free to walk around in the world I have created so far!

TILL JAKOB: Grattis! Du hittade mitt spel! Tyvärr är det inte färdigt än, men jag ville mest visa dig den här sidan. Quest är ett program som gör att alla kan göra egna textbaserade äventyr, utan att behöva koda själv! Kommer fortfarande ihåg "Jakten på den heliga Graal" som du kodade ihop...

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