You are a 10 year old boy with a sick mother in Europe in the later 1340’s and early 1350’s. You are frail and constantly dirty since hygiene is not much of a thing yet. You don't have a penny to your name, especially since your father ran out years ago to chase gold and riches and never came back. Six months ago, your mother fell ill, and in order to keep the last member of your family, you resorted to stealing fat, rich men's wallets who walk all over you anyways. The money goes mainly to the food and medicines for your mother. You already have a hard enough time stealing, but certain places will immediately report you if you attempt to purchase. Pick pockets carefully and purchase things with caution.
Your goal is to steal enough money to purchase her medication until she gets better without getting caught, without dying, and without her dying.
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Written by nurit.elber
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 25 May 2016
Updated 25 May 2016