Sburb [Homestuck] by Androm3da

Version 1.2: Goes as far as entering The Medium. Trying to find a way to add a Grist counter to the Status bar. Will add lands and god tier to Version 1.3!
Version 1.3: This is a test run for god tier and the random land generator I have set up. Found a way to add many things to the status bar! Including title, dreamer, modus, symbol, and many more! You can also customize your symbol before you reach God Tier.
Coming soon: Version 1.4 will have gates and a complete attack system! This means more kinds (strife specibus) more Imps/Ogres, denizens, and God Tier powers.

Unable to update at the moment, will update soon!

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Review by AkIkOPyRoPe
02 Dec 2019
I found that if you use the cruxite dowel and then check outside then you get to see your land

Review by Fredbear198726
14 Jul 2018
Played it multiple still don't know what to do with the cruxtruder! Are you dead cause you won't do anything to help us? Answer!!!!!!!!!

Review by EnderWolf
11 Nov 2017
it's awesome but still needs development

Review by minsermoon
14 Jun 2017
TBH, this needs some work. I cannot use the "Cruxite Sandwhich" (It should be spelled "Sandwich," by the way, and I cannot get any further than making the "Cruxite Sandwhich." When I check outside nothing happens. When I try to go outside an error message pops up and the game will not allow me to enter the medium.

Review by k2so
15 May 2017
I like the coimc

Review by dragonscale321
21 Apr 2017
This game is fun, and has some good potential, but hasn't been updated in over 2 years. I would love to play this more, but the farthest i have been able to get is the cruxite sandwich, and i don't know what to do with it. It would also be better with a couple of visuals.

Review by DemonfoxGirl97
17 Feb 2017
its great but i keep getting stuck here and there but thats my fault, it would be great to put visuals

Review by draxLfly2
03 Dec 2016
The game is alright. It needs some more commands like Look Around so then you know where is where (granted it says it already in the bar, but I'd like my character to look around) but the main problem is that you can't get past making the Cruxite Sandwich. Once you make it, you can't eat it, use it on anything, at all. The game is very poorly developed.

To everyone hoping this guy will develop this more, he won't. The last update was two whole years ago. Let it go.

Review by SinDad
10 Oct 2016
So far it seems amazing! But, I'm stuck at trying to install Sburb and I can't figure out the command to do it. The commands seem finicky so far, it'd be nice if before actually playing the game you gave a few examples f how the commands should look.

Review by Anon The Anonymous
29 Sep 2016
I couldn't "Use the Computer" what am I doing right now? honestly the game needs to be updated a bit more

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 13 Jul 2014
Updated 11 Nov 2014





