When you think of fairy tales do you automatically think of Disney? If so, have you ever wondered whether there was more to fairy tales than what Disney has shown you? Well, prepare to find out!
This digital gamebook is my Rhetoric-In-Practice Project for Writing 39B section 33210 at the University of California, Irvine for Fall Quarter Academic Year 2017-2018. Submitted to Edward A. Batres.
Fair Use Notice: This game contains copyrighted material; the use of this material is made possible for non-profit, educational purposes through fair use laws (for text of fair use laws, see 17 USC, 107). Further copying and distribution of this material without written consent from the copyright owner is prohibited.
Music used:
1. Into the Sunlight. From the visual novel Fate/stay night Réalta Nua by Type-Moon.
2. Footsteps of Destruction. From the visual novel Fate/stay night Réalta Nua by Type-Moon.
3. Beauty and the Beast - Tale as Old as Time. From Walt Disney Pictures' 1991 film Beauty and the Beast.
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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 09 Dec 2017
Updated 10 Dec 2017