Love, time and magic. by Sam Ly

The story is about a young girl name Rose. She is very beautiful and nice and one day she met a new friend. Will that friend be her boyfriend and they will liv happily ever after. Play to get the ending.

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Review by jj2.o
14 Mar 2020
was really dramatic. in a good way

Review by wiseowltui
05 Oct 2018
Meh. I don't think this is that great, the spelling and grammar errors constricts understanding and the choices are predictable and have no overall affect on the plot.

Review by Nanacollapse
24 Jun 2017
Nice story. But how about Anthony if you choose Andrew???

Review by Pipper
26 Mar 2017

I'm sorry but please also do fix the slight grammar errors.

Don't mind me I'm always a stickler with spelling and grammer

Review by KittyCat2000
06 Mar 2017
Loved it! But there are a lot of run-on sentences. And what is it with Sunday?! (I'm sorry). If you edited everything, this would be the best thing ever! Definitely is romantic but, I must ask. Where is the plot line? I'm sorry... this is what my English class did to me!! I'm now a perfectionist!!!

Very good! 4/5!

Review by ThisIsReal
18 Dec 2016
I just absolutely loved it! It was very romantic. Even though it seemed like Rose had some tough decisions to make, I made Rose choose the right path and stayed true to Andrew and they married and everyone was happy. Well, except for Anthony. Sorry dude.

Review by madgirl2020
27 May 2016
Wouldn't let me choose any choice on the 1st page whatsoever. But it seems good

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 08 May 2015





