The Tome of Power by ShotgunGuy

You are Mr. Smiles, a world famous adventurer.

You are on the hunt for the Tome of Power, an ancient artifact fabled to contain the means to use magic.

This is my first Quest game, and I hope you enjoy it. It has been a blast using the program and I look forward to making many more games with Quest.

The game is pretty linear, but the last choice you make will decide what ending you get.

Anyway, have fun!

EDIT: Almost forgot,
I really gotta thank the guys at "Partners in Rhyme" for all the awesome sound effects and music they have provided for this game.

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Review by ninaschreiber11
18 Jan 2016
Finished it. It was ok. many glitches

Review by GreyOwl
26 Mar 2013
How do you show the ID card to the Tough Guard?

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Written for Quest 5.2
Published 09 Jun 2012
Updated 11 Jun 2012

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