Newest Pet by Paragon Phoenix

You wake up to find yourself in a completely different room than where you fell asleep. Nothing looks familiar at all, and the entire room feels fake. Little do you know, you're on display as a pet tiny for people to purchase. Whose care will you end up in?

!!! This game uses audio! So be wary if you aren't playing with headphones in! !!!

Contains: F/? Vore, Giantess, Tiny
Current cast: 1 pred with 3 endings. (I plan to expand this in the future, this is just a starting point!)

This is my very first attempt at vore writing, so feel free to give your thoughts and pointers on the story! I'm still learning how to use Quest, so I went with the easier program until I feel better about the more dynamic version. Because of that, I tried to keep the gender of the main character ambiguous, so that way everyone was able to insert themselves into the story.
I've always been a long-time lurker and seeing as I'm finally getting confident in my writing, I thought it would be best to give back to everyone else.
If you want to contact me more 'directly' my discord is 'paragonphoenix.' and you can find me on Eka's portal at the same name!
I only say 'directly' because I probably won't respond immediately! I apologize in advance, but I will get to everyone!
If you want to provide some kind of cover art for the game, I'd be more than happy to promote and feature your artwork!

The idea was originally inspired by a GTS ASMR video, and I decided to take it and roll with it.

Special thanks to 'The Tum of Rayne' for allowing me to use their stomach's audio for this! I implore you to check out their videos on YouTube!

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Written by
Paragon Phoenix

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 07 Aug 2023
Updated 12 Aug 2023





