One Night Stand by GamingG

After a night of vodka and vague acquaintances, Sandy wakes up in an unknown bedroom, unable to remember the name of the man sleeping next to her. Too proud to leave without a proper goodbye, she will get into meticulous detective work, in order to discover his name and redeem herself. With your help, of course.

This short comedy text adventure features mild sexual references and will be mostly appreciated by persons who have had sex at least twice in their life, with or without other parties involved.

Note: An error has been reported, when playing this game on mobile devices. But then, again, come on! Who plays text adventures on tablets!

(No, seriously, stick with traditional desktop computers...)


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Review by dhamb18
30 Jul 2015
This game was beyond confusing, poorly written, far too complex for it's own good, had needless mechanics that were poorly impemented, and was unnecessarily repetitious. You'll find yourself smashing the keyboard trying to understand the vauge "hints" - or should I say hint - that this game offers. It was trying for a good story and fell far too short on the game end. The writer should stick to what he knows.

Review by RoshamboLuck
06 Jul 2015
I love it! This game is awesome because
>The plot interests me, it kept me involved
>The writing is superb
>I love just running around naked wherever i can ^^

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