To Hell in a Hamper by J. J. Guest

Professor Pettibone, eminent Victorian balloonist, has a problem. He can't get it up. His balloon that is! If he can't reach an altitude of 20,000 feet, and soon, both he and his mysterious travelling companion Hubert Booby will be burned to a cinder by an erupting volcano! But what is Mr. Booby concealing under his overcoat? Did Rembrandt really paint kittens? And what, in the name of all that's holy, is THE CURSE OF THE BLUE IBIS? All these questions, and several others, will be answered when you play "To Hell in a Hamper", a one-room game by J. J. Guest.

To Hell in a Hamper is a one-room historical comedy parser interactive fiction game.

"Overall, this game fits into a growing category of works that combine light puzzles with strong pacing and good comic writing... Humour and pacing are a real challenge to get right in IF, and a good IF comedy has a special charm of its own." — Emily Short, IF Review

"The puzzles are light, the pacing is brilliant, and the humor is... humorous! Nominated and recipient of several Interactive Fiction awards, so you know it's good." — Jay is Games Weekend Download
Review by daeun
07 Feb 2024
In a total of 125 turns, you have achieved an altitude of 17,100 feet above sea level. This is 2,900 feet short of the 20,000 feet required to pass safely over the volcano.

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