Puerto Rico - Forest Challenge by Alexander Terstiege

The game starts in the end of the city, and the beginning of a huge Jungle. You can choose which direction you want to go (north, south or west). Each direction, leads you to three other types of forests...There is no turning back if you enter this forest, however you have to do this, for your population. You are the only hope, for all Puerto Rico, which was just been hit by an hurricane. And thus, the country has no access to water and any other country in the world, for help… Basically, the whole country has no water reserves! All the population, rely on you. Many people has lost consciousness, and are in bad condition, you are the only one who can save your country. Thus, you should take the risk, not letting any one down, and, make your nation, Puerto Rico live. Good Luck!

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Review by PigCreator
05 Apr 2018
Well crafted, but incredably short. I went west entered a cave and then went east and somehow made it to San Juan

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Alexander Terstiege

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 13 Dec 2017





