This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Missing descriptions
Every object in a game should have a meaningful description. When a game doesn't have object descriptions, it is a sign that the game has been rushed, and it will not be interesting to play.
You are a man named Thomas Ghallagher. It starts out like any other day, but then things start to change. Every choice counts in this game. Play careful and go with your gut.
Example controls:
North, South, East, West, Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast
Up, Down
Pick Up
Turn On
If you find any bugs or errors, please tell me where and what it was and I will get to fixing it ASAP. Thank you!
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Written by Multiblake101
Plays 1229
Downloads 951 Download file
Written for Quest 5.5
Added 16 May 2014
Updated 16 May 2014