The Martian Chronicles by Sirrelik Studios

Take a trip to Mars to investigate what happened to the other parties that landed on the red planet.

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Review by Deckrect
03 Jul 2016
Ok. As people uses o say, "Looks as a beta". The author decided using the old-fashioned text aesthetics, what may be a little tiring, but has personality. There is a factor which bothers me a little, about giving player no further clue about what is happening and what the mission or objectives are, The synopsis says you are looking for members of a previous expedition, but you walk over mars as a tourist and finds a settlement with grass, for example, suggesting terraforming. It is a little bit out of context as the games offers no feed back about what should be taken as common or not. So, i did not know what to thing about a calm village on mars.

There are certain "buggy" elements, like the help talking about the compass which is not on, or having not "Look at" commands for elements described and certainly are important. I had a hard time trying to use a fountain to fill up a water bottle. Also, there is a binoculars, which seems to be designed to be an important element. However, everywhere i used it i got the very same description.

The selected theme seems to be a good ground for doing some research about space exploration and giving player a nice experience, but the very presence of a blaster pistol seems not pointing that directions. I got stuck and the game got more and more confusing. I guess much of the text should be re-worked and the game demands some care on building up the in-game objects.

Has a nice potential, but seems not tested enough yet to sove these problems and allow player proceeding n the plot.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 06 May 2015





