My eco-home design by boychester

A text adventure is a game where you use commands to move around a location, finding things and solving puzzles. In this adventure, you explore my eco-home design.
To move from room to room, you simply type in the direction you want to go in (either north, east, south, west, up, or down), for example ‘east’. The description of the room will tell you which directions to go in.
To pick up objects, you can use the command ‘get’ and then the name of the object you wish to pick up.
To use an object, you must pick it up and then type in ‘use’ along with the name of the object you wish to use.
To look at an object, simply type ‘look’ and then the name of the object you wish to look at.
To switch an object on or off, type ‘switch on’ or ‘switch off’ and then the object.
You have 5 challenges to complete. They are:
• Turn on the power.
• Cook a fish.
• Flush the toilet.
• Pick up a red pepper.
• Check the weather.
Good luck!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 03 May 2018

