Inner Visions by brianh284

This game takes place on the Isles of Apotheosis. These islands were once home to a great race of humans. These humans, Apotheons, were unique. For their entire brains worked at 100% and they had fully unlocked DNA. This race lived in perfect harmony with their planet, which was simply known as Nuum. The landscape is a medley of lush jungles, caves, mountains and beaches. The people lived in intricate stone buildings, that were carved out of solid stone with the use of sound. These beings were so powerful they simply used their minds to operate the machinery of the time. In addition, great masses of crystals were used to power Nuum. An ancient grid of 25 crystalline towers created and powered a massive sphere of light around the planent. This protected the people, but also gave them powers beyond imagination. Apotheons seemed to be the perfect race and flourished for hundreds of years.

Things changed when the island was invaded by the Eotos. They were evil and led by General Kali. Over hundreds of years the Apotheons lost more and more of their culture to the Eotos. Slowly over time, more and more Eotos arrived by boat. Eventually, General Kali, took control of Apotheosis completely. Throughout centuries he strategically suppressed all ancient Apotheon history. He took control of the crystal towers and used them for evil. These were guarded heavily by his army. The result was a people in amnesia, slowly forgetting their ancient ways. Only one man can bring his people back into the light. The only question is can he remember who or what he is?

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Published 13 Oct 2015





