How to Embroil Yourself in Major Political Scandal by Meggodbey8

In the small world of Oranos everything is magical. All creatures are born with magic. They are tied to their world as their world is tied to them, they create and manipulate the elements at will.

The only civilization in Oranos is the massive city of Benaris. The just and peaceful Queen is beloved by all of her citizens, this city runs like any other.
Meaning it features an ugly streak of organized crime, accompanied by the bitter undertones of class-ism, hatred, and addiction.
While we see magic as a gift, an amazing ability, to the people of Benaris it is astoundingly ordinary. When everyone is special, suddenly it seems no one is.
But not everybody is so naive.
This society that simultaneously idolizes magic and takes it for granted, is easy prey. Surana is a charismatic, trusted, and beloved member of the senate, adviser to the Queen, and considered the most powerful water mage in Benaris.
Partnered with the massive Cartel presence, she creates a flower that suppresses magic and with prolonged exposure can end it entirely.
Once distributed to every home in the city, Surana and her Cartel will be not only be the ultimate power, but the only power.

Except for one hiccup. Aren Manar, a young fire mage, still a student.
On complete accident Aren hears this plot, classic wrong place wrong time. Absolutely no one would believe her story, so with the cartel on her trail Aren must save the world herself.

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