Your brother was sacrificed to the creature in the Dark Forest. You will stop this slaughter once and for all and hunt down this Werewolf. Based (very loosely) on Little Red Riding Hood, you play Katherine Darkmoor and must avenge your brother's death. There is an 'Easter Egg' in the game ( type LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD to see the original story.)
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This was SUPER cool and exciting! Want to play it again and again! It's just sad when I died playing with the friendly dog and falling into the icy cold water! But still, give yourself a pat on your pat! Good job!
Good game! I was able to solve most of the riddles myself and I was glad that despite there being an item limit, there were not many items needing to be held at the same time. I really liked this one and the story was great.
I like the winter setting. for some reason it adds more emotion to the already somber setting. Fantastic work!
Hmm... "very loosely based" is right: I was waiting for the werewolf to dress up as grandma; but another great game with some tricky puzzles, a spooky atmosphere and a satisfying resolution which ties all the loose ends together (I'd been wondering about that huntsman). I didn't find the 'Easter Egg' -- or is that a piece of programming jargon I haven't understood? Anyway, thank you, Craig, for several interesting hours of gaming.
Hi Craig, just finished the game, having finally realised that I was severely over-thinking the solution to the tumbler puzzle!
Congratulations on another fantastic game with a compelling and deeply creepy story, atmospheric and well-realised locations, mysterious and often menacing characters and the type of fiendish but very satisfying puzzles that always make playing your games such an enjoyable challenge! I also appreciated all of the well-executed and integrated red (or should I say 'crimson') herrings which added to the tension and complexity of the game without feeling out of place or like they'd been tacked on! I also enjoyed the trouble you'd gone to to create a back story for the main character and her family and the troubled history of their home village which really helped create a motivation for finishing the game and unravelling the satisfying deneument. Fairytales are a seemingly inexhaustable source of potential alternative interpretations in so many media, because they are both familiar yet often frightening, and I think you used the potential dark and sinister implications of the Little Red Riding Hood tale to excellent effect here!
Congratulations again on another wonderful game and I look forward to more of your marvellous creations in 2014! Happy new year to you and all the other Questers posting here!
Nice story line and I really enjoyed playing it. A little cliche but that's it. If you could play my game and give me some feedback I'd appreciate it! It's called The End.
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Written by Craig Dutton
Plays 8433
Downloads 2969 Download file
Written for Quest 5.4
Published 20 Dec 2013
Updated 24 Oct 2014
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