We Speak of Utopia by KudzuPlantling

Do not weep for what you see.
Do not call out-- let the dead be.
Of sterile streets, of muffled awe.
We will speak of the horrific Utopia.
'We Speak of Utopia' is a story in which you take on the points of view of four different characters. Even though this city-- Utopia-- looks so clean and free, dark secrets lie in its government.

WARNING: This game has heavy mentions of death and suicide. If you are uncomfortable with these topics, then you might not want to play this game.

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Review by Hormus
20 Jul 2018
An amazing story, with a deep and darker meaning behind it.

Review by Ozzy S.T.
07 Apr 2016
Good work, KudzuPlantling. This is a very interesting story and the way you tell it, making use of different perspectives, is highly engaging.

The story is short and straight to the point, and it will leave that acidic taste in your mouth that all good mistery/horror stories do.

Review by flysquirrel775
28 Mar 2016
This is not really a game, but it is a nice read about a messed up city. Give it a try if you are bored, because it is short and you won't regret playing even if you don't like it.

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