Guttersnipe: The Baleful Backwash by bitterkarella

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It's 1929. Incorrigible street urchin Lil' Ragamuffin and her sewer rat pal Percy have been imprisoned in the cellar of the Baleful Backwash speakeasy by dastardly gangsters, who have big plans to make Percy the star attraction in their rat-fighting arena. Save Percy and evade bootleggers, bluesmen, and bedeviling birds to escape this basement bastille!

Special thanks to Steph Cherrywell, Tanukitsune, Edgelordgaming, and Davy B!

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Review by phantom
13 May 2018
Another hilarious installment in the Guttersnipe series! "Spaghetti a la urchin" had me chuckling especially.

Review by DavyB
21 Apr 2018
It's been a pleasure to have been involved in testing this game as it has given me a chance to look at every aspect of it in detail. The writing is of a very high standard and like Carnival of Regrets aims to give the player an enjoyable experience (no sudden deaths despite the situation!). The puzzles are pitched at what seems like a suitable level, with the scale and duration also well judged. As with Carnival, I like the use of the automatically generated map though am not such as a fan of the control panel! If you become stuck, speak to everyone, especially Percy, as there is plenty of help here if you need it. The humour is also spot-on for me.

Overall, this is another excellent game.

Review by Slayer78
11 Apr 2018
I really liked the writting and story, but I couldn't figure how to get out of the room. (Maybe because I am super bad at quests.)

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 07 Apr 2018
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