Super Happy Fun Butcher Time The Sequal Of Extreme by Jack Harwood

A sequel to what IGN called "The best text adventure of 2013"
Here are some quotes:
"It's like pizza. Only this pizza was made out of magic and everytime you leave it you can only think about that pizza. The games that good" -Yahtzee
"Almost as good as CoD cuz ever1 luvs da cod an we al no ed is da best game evar" -IGN
"10000/100" -Metacritic
"The graphics are truly stunning.I cry every time I play this" -Machninima

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Review by GameofChocolate
24 Aug 2017
"You literally just butchered and raped a pony." Sorry, but some people don't like rape. Some people don't like triggers. I know, I'm a snowflake, but snowflakes are born out of tragedy. I refuse to play a game that says I raped some animal.

Review by coolswagman
13 Dec 2016
1,000,000,000/10! Hilarious!

Review by Ragnar
15 Jun 2015
13/10, nostalgia

Review by MiserablePenguin
20 Mar 2015
pretty much entirely references, but it had homestuck so it's good.

Review by zhooker
30 Aug 2013
This is perhaps the greatest video game I have ever played.
There is nothing I can say that would do it justice, you just have to play it to understand.

Review by potato1
31 Jan 2013
Fucking beautiful

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Written by
Jack Harwood

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Written for Quest 5.3
Added 31 Jan 2013





