Escape the Neighborhood Patreon Update v.22 - Expired by HiddenDark

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Hello, my favorite patrons!!

I have an exciting update for you today!

Update Notes:

These apply to the furry and human editions!

Major Updates:

- As voted for by my Swallowed+ Tier patrons I've added a new CV scene in the Math Building on Campus with the Janitor. This new scene has optional bones if disposal is enabled.

- For my wonderful Great Googly Moogly Tier patron I have, at long last, a new AV scene with the Dad! This one contains a bit more intense disposal content if enabled and for anyone curious is probably about my limit for disposal content so for those who enjoy that I really hope you like it!

Minor Updates:
- The online link to v.21 has been retired.
- The June password for the human version is still the same.

Here is the link to the regular walkthrough (If you're not a patron and you're just curious about what's in the game please take a look!):

Here is the link to the Patron Exclusive Secret Ending Guide:

And of course, please keep in mind the online version of the game does not have background/image support and it is always recommended to play the offline version for stability. Online version stability issues are known with the online player and are not something I have control over.

As always if anyone has any trouble or questions please let me know!

Thank you all so very much again for your support and I hope you enjoy!

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 18 Jun 2023
Updated 03 Jul 2023

