Videville by ulysses19921992

Game by:
Mary Brekkel
Kseniya Zolotukhina
Alena Kapsamun
Darya Katerova
Valentina Pogorletskaya

Tiraspol, 2019 (c)
Review by felixp7
24 Jun 2019
Oh, look! A neat little mystery with a hint of the paranormal. Not a common theme in games, with the exception of classics like Gabriel Knight. An illustrated story, too, with plain writing that doesn't outstay its welcome. Appropriate, given the subject matter. On the minus side, the ending I got on first try was rather far-fetched, and left me wondering. What *did* happen to the girl? And the other people who were after the item? Couldn't a holy place closer to home take care of things just as well?

Videville is a decent early effort, by a group of authors who already have a distinct voice. It's just that sometimes a few extra details would help explain how the protagonist makes those sudden decisions. It would also be more interesting if I could poke at the scenery myself. That would make me feel like a real detective, and would extend the play time as well. Maybe in a sequel?

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