Learn About Food Sustainability by Jiaying330

This is a game for you to learn about food sustainability. Our current food system is very problematic and instead of passively waiting for governments and corporations to establish regulations(which is considered one of the most effective methods but takes forever for them to do so), we should start changing our own lifestyle.
You may think that the changes you make in your life make no significant impact on the environment. Undoubtedly, this is true. Yet, this should not be your excuse, because little drops of water make the mighty ocean! If everyone in the world incorporates a more sustainable food system, the impact will be great!
Nevertheless, our change of preferences would also affect food companies to start producing more ethical and sustainable products. Therefore, we should start making changes in our diets and inform others about food sustainability!
Review by Io
12 Dec 2019
Incredibly preachy about an utter non-problem. At least there were no bugs that I could see.

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