Rosie Goes to Market by DamaratheRam

Rosie is given the task of going to market to get milk. What perils will she face as she goes on this quest to not only find milk but an experiance of a lifetime?

All art done by Ashley Gaillard

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Review by Kattrin222
31 Dec 2020
Omg I love it.

Review by Fantasylover22
30 May 2017
Very amusing with a particularly funny ending! I love the illustrations and my only criticism would be to extend it but understand this will take time, especially if you are illustrating each scene. Maybe consider a sequel instead?

Review by GameofChocolate
18 May 2017
It was pretty awesome but there were only a few choices, and the story was very short.I was waiting for her to be kidnapped or something.

Review by mem1100
03 Aug 2016
It's actually pretty funny how dramatized Rosie makes the mundane task she's given. Her crazy perspective on everything makes for a fun read, and it's fun how each decision leads to a different ending. I would have given it 5-stars if there were a bit more to it, but this is a good, solid, quick game.

Review by B-Real343
11 Jul 2016
Hahaha, this is great! I love the facial expressions in the art, and the writing is funny and quick. I wish there was more, but I think that would only be gilding the lily.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 22 Apr 2015
Updated 22 Apr 2015





