Corrupted by Atokrad

Hello, this is my first game, Corrupted, This is a game set in a world where a person's soul has a hidden power depending on what their personality is. You are special, you have a soul like no other but having a soul like yours comes at a cost, what are you willing to lose, what are you willing to do, will you make the right choices to save yourself or will you become corrupted.


Current version: Demo 2

Next version: Chapter 1 - currently being worked on

The entire game is free!


Current Planned Features:
Combat with monsters, military, and corrupted humans.
Hacking into military computers to retrieve information.
Puzzles and escape rooms.
Open world exploration - will be added into the full game.
Character customization - will be added to the full game.
Multiple endings - will be added to the full game.
Tutorial to help teach the player the mechanics of the game.
Choice-based gameplay - your choices matter, this is the basis of the game.
RPG-style gameplay.
Hint system.
and more!


If anyone wants to make art for the game let me know, I need an artist for the game, so if you're interested let me know!

If you have any ideas for the game please let me know, feedback is also appreciated!

For updates on the game, you can look at the dev log on the games page linked below.

You can also find this game on using this link:

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 24 Jan 2021
Updated 06 Mar 2021

