Kill the troll? by xX_Shrekt_Xx

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
You awake in a room and hear a troll you need to make him friendly with the items in the rooms

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Review by #wasup
24 Jul 2015
You can't kill the troll

Review by Claudia
23 Jul 2015
That was very confusing . Also why is it called Kill the Troll if you need to make it friendly.

Review by michkress
23 Jul 2015
Best troll game I've ever played today.

Review by Nightshade323
23 Jul 2015
give him the meat

Review by jcurylo
23 Jul 2015
I don't know how to do anything with the troll. Some how you can eat the hammer and still put it in your inventory.

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