PROJECT BIOSPHERE engages the idea of how games can put out specific messages related to environmental narrative through info-drip, procedural rhetoric, ludological structure, myth, narrative, ludonarrative dissonance, and more. This experience is intended to make you think about how the environment is portrayed to us, and how the messages we receive should impact our perception. The viewpoints expressed will tackle the idea of the environment from various angles in an attempt to display gamified examples of environmental narrative. All narratives portrayed are able to be traced back to other games as well as academic sources.
This gamebook was created as an undergraduate final project for English 411C at Northern Arizona University on February 28, 2020. The game is intended for academic purposes. Developed by Devlin R. Nipper (Undergraduate in Game Studies and English) using the Quest Text Adventure Editor.
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Written by d_nipper1
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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 30 Mar 2020
Updated 15 Apr 2020