TARDIS Escape by Jim Harbis

Well, it's been a long time since I put anything up. This is a warm-up to get me back into the game. The Doctor has decided to put you through a logical test before he takes you as his assistant. Good luck!

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Review by leof007
03 Dec 2017
It's pretty boring, but ok... (even though I give it a Poor rating)

Review by kingoflife
22 May 2016
Short but enjoyable; a nice little game.

21 Jun 2012
just half way decent

Review by Paul Felce
28 Apr 2012
Short and straightforward.
Thanks for sharing it.

Review by imogen wise
24 Dec 2011
im giving a 3 as some bits were changing but its way too short and I WANTED TO FIGHT SOMETHING

Review by trentnt
30 Jan 2010
its too short. and i cant figure out how togive the trenchcoat to the docter it just says "there is no one here by the name of the docter" help plz!!!

Review by Tim Hamilton
22 Oct 2009
Oops for got to rate. For a short game I'd say it was good.

Review by CJ592
21 Oct 2009
Being a Doctor Who fan I thought this was a fun little diversion. It is straightforward, brief and not very challenging. i would like to see a longer more complex version

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Written by
Jim Harbis

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Written for Quest 4.1
Published 19 Oct 2009

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