The cave by Ve-ma

You didn’t know what was going to happen that day, before beginning your forced torture let me introduce you the person that you will become in this story where you will have the control.

Her name is Nellie, a writer who hates and clearly don’t want to be around people. She likes to spend her time alone, but she never felt lonely. Her stories are more than enough in her opinion to fill her social interactions. One day, inspiration was missing. She had no idea what to write about and her pages needed to be filled. She wanted to have a cave concept so she decided to visit one to make it more real. She prepared a backpack with a notebook to write ideas, a water bottle and a knife in case…

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Review by GAZArts
03 May 2023
I found the concept of this game intriguing - a writer seeking inspiration for a cave story who sets off to explore one. However, as soon as you enter the cave, several issues arise. But before delving into those, let me first highlight the game's positives.

I particularly enjoyed the ambient sound you included in the cave, which creates an atmospheric and mysterious environment. Additionally, the use of images in certain scenes is a nice touch. I appreciate that the game includes stakes in the form of potential player deaths.

Unfortunately, that's where the positives end. The game contains numerous grammatical errors, such as "The air starts to miss," "You see the door is lock," and "you shout the only bullet you got."

The second issue is that it becomes apparent that there isn't much of a game here. Once inside the cave, the author has created only a handful of paths to take, all of which lead to untimely deaths. Out of curiosity, I replayed the game a few times, intentionally exhausting all options, and was surprised to find that there is no successful route or correct action to take - and this was after only five minutes of playing.

In conclusion, the game offers little more than an illusion of choice with poor grammar. which is shame because I feel like you started off with a really strong concept.

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