Sharkman Frank's Tour de Friendship by teab037

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Missing choices

There are not enough choices in this game - interactive fiction is supposed to be interactive!
Welcome to the world of Sharkman Frank, ye matey! Yar goal is to make friends with all the scurvy landlubbers you can find! Arrr!

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07 Nov 2018
I love this game. No idea how to win, or if you even can win, but I love this game.

Review by Dark-Al
24 Jan 2017
So ****ing great. I laughed with the joys of friendship and the jokes were spot on, especially feeding yourself to the cannibals was worth a few laughs. But is there really a true end to the game, like you enjoy Paradise with all your friends or you enjoy paradise as a lonely man? I can't really see that within the game, but never mind. Good

Review by Guy Fieri
20 May 2016
This game made me question my career choice. Now I am seriously considering a pirate life for me!!!!! 10/10!!!!

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