Caught Between Alice by EmilyTheMaker

This in an interactive text game that you can live along with Alice and play along as you experience her life. This game deals with Teen Dating Violence with multiple causes and effects of this topic. Many people are abused and mistreated in many relationships due to their partners lack of control and because they have been abused themselves. Its unfortunate but hopefully more and more people step up to speak against dating violence. Speak for the innocent. Speak for the quiet.

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Review by 645Kitty
12 Mar 2017
I've never been through anything like that but even I can see just how realistic this is.

Review by MiserablePenguin
18 Mar 2015
Pretty good.

Review by Caurus
20 Jul 2014
Not good. Poor taste. Bad handle of the topic.

Review by anne 123456789
08 Jul 2014
For such a serios topic i could do without the teen logic in the game. I understand the need for it, but this is ridiculous. What are teenagers supposed to learn? That they have no other options? This is in bad taste.

Review by happysappygirl101
29 Apr 2014
I think that the game has a good message behind it, however, I wish that there was some subtlety or care or build up in it. I mean, some of the points seemed a bit cliche (such as when he's rambling about how she's never good enough while he's drunk), and makes the story sound like it's trying to hard to get the message across. Although the message is clear, I think there could have been some more build up (showing how the relationship gradually became abusive, as opposed to just jumping into the boy being abusive, in order to show how to pick up the early signs of an abusive person, and to fully show the player what it's like to experience this type of relationship). Overall, not bad, but the written component could use some improvement in my humble opinion.

Review by Ethan+22
22 Mar 2014
This was interesting. It was fun for a while, then it was just sort of weird. While I get the message, I don't think this is the best way to spread an idea like that.

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Published 21 Mar 2014





