Warriors: Your Path, Your Destiny, Your Story by myny

A warrior cats fangame where you can live as a clan cat! Eventually, there will be four different story paths available to play (Each with their own set of twists and turns, of course).


In ThunderClan, you are born as the only child of Aspenstar, leader of ThunderClan, and Blackwing, a highly respected warrior with a talent in battle that has not been matched in generations. In addition, you are the only kit the Clan has currently.

Soon after you are made an apprentice, you realize that a rogue colony has made its home near ThunderClan territory - and your Clanmates are none-the-wiser. Can you find a way for both groups to live peacefully side by side, or is war between both groups inevitable?

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The very first thing you learned in ShadowClan, was that you were not and never would be a ShadowClan cat. After being picked up near a Twoleg monster and brought into the Clan, life is tough - Outside of your adopted mother, Snowpelt, trust is few and far between, and friendship even rarer.

{player.alias1}paw wonders: Will ShadowClan ever trust their outsider apprentice? And is it worth it to be loyal to ShadowClan, if it means you will never learn about what events lead to Snowpelt finding you near the Thunderpath all those moons ago?

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Recently ravaged by sickness, WindClan finds itself in a precarious situation. You, having lost both mother and siblings to the epidemic, want nothing more than for a sense of normalcy to return. Destiny does not seem to heed said wish, as you soon begin to experience StarClan sent visions - not all of which concern WindClan, or even your own struggles.

You will have to balance Clan life, and all the dangers that come with it, all while juggling these visions. And, hopefully, figure out what exactly StarClan is trying to tell you, before it is too late, and WindClan suffers the consequences.

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You have a good life: A caring mother, two loving siblings in Lilykit and Gladekit, and many strong, impressive Clanmates to admire. There is one problem, however: Your father is Cloverstrike, a WindClan warrior, and everybody knows this fact.

As a well-known half-clan cat, your every move is always scrutinized. And that's before taking Lilypaw's and Gladepaw's differing opinions on the matter into account! However, with war brewing between WindClan and RiverClan, keeping your family together seems impossible - nevermind rebuking RiverClan's suspicions of the three siblings.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 01 Feb 2023
Updated 25 Mar 2023





