Der Fluss der Gier (Version 0.5) by Xilefenko

"Der Fluss der Gier" [Eng: River of Greed] is my first Textadventure and written in German (so not for everybody sadly).

You are someone without a Story to tell. That's why your village send's you in the time of need to find a legendary treasure so your people don't starve to death.

This is the first of three chapters and I'm currently writing the second one. If somebody play's it I really would appreciate some Feedback!

Ps: It's really just the introduction to the game that is currently playable. So don't expect to much

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Review by Achmed Schachbrett
14 Apr 2017
Bisher nichts Besonderes. Die Geschichte klingt zwar interessant, aber im Spiel sind zu viele überflüssige Dinge, eine Nebenquest fand ich nicht. Dennoch bin ich auf eine Fortsetzung gespannt.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 16 Jan 2017
Updated 17 May 2017

