City Art Centre - Upstairs Poetry by City Art Centre

Visit an imaginary placed based on someone's memories of City Art Centre (from before 2020.)
Make new friends. Paint by the numbers or create original temporary paintings.
Write poem pictures with coloured pens.
Have a coffee in the lounge.

Pictures are temporary and will disappear from the screen if you move from one area to another. However, a poem will not vanish into thin air unless you leave the lounge.
Use the scroll bar on the right side to find words or picture under the map. You can clear some space before writing or painting with an item in inventory.
I must also add the disclaimer that the characters are fictional. The names are not someone else's.

Radio in City Art plays:
free music Western by Dar Golan
free music 50's Music by Dar Golan
& free music Timelapse Music by Dar Golan
and static

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If you log in before playing, you'll be able to save your progress - which means you can come back later and pick up where you left off.

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Review by Jennifer Wren
03 Sep 2023
The City Art Centre is an amazing place to relax and create. Two friendly volunteers live in the game world to show guests to the studio the ins and outs of the upstairs rooms, where to find the very best coffee, the pens, the brushes, the paint palette, and the paints. There is an antique radio in the lounge and excellent music for listening to while creating original pictures and writing.
I am decidedly looking forward to seeing more of these. In the meantime, this one has a very high replay value.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 16 Oct 2023





