The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 1 First Week by Reidolol

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You are Roger, you are in a airport, until it be attacked by zombies.


Is this related original the walking dead?
No, it's a new group of survivors trying to survive.

Can i help you making episodes?
Yes, you can help by ideas, like grammar or mistake fixing. Post it at comments, will be valid for next episodes.

When you going to release next episode?
I don't tell when ill release, i release when it's done.

Why you grammar and text is too bad?
English is not my first language, also, i don't learned too much english. And i don't want to put too much text, i put the enough.

This game will have images?
Yes, but only when really is needed, to show what happened.

Why you placed chapter select?
This series will have long episodes, if you don't have time, you can continue by you last chapter.

Is there a way to die?
Yes, if you do a wrong action, but it will not be frequently.

Language select?
Ill include a portuguese version, cause portuguese is my first language and probably brazilians and portugueses visit text adventure.

Is this going to be in app version?
Well, if this get good reviews and Alex approves.

I want to ask something.
You can ask by comment.

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Review by MrPikmin16
04 Jul 2017
English may not be their first language, but you can still understand what they are saying so kudos.
Story is good although having more detailed descriptions would make it better. I'll let that slide though since the language barrier. Overall, it was pretty good. 4/5

Review by mchambermich
06 Apr 2016
I'm not sure where to even start. The English is worse than my dyslexic 12 year old cousin's, the added in artwork looks like it was done by a 4 year old, there doesn't seem to be any actual story, just "And then we go here, and then we go there". In short, unless this was written by a 4 year old as a project for school (which it wasn't, most 4 year olds don't do zombie stories), this is complete shite.

Review by LikeABoss!
11 Dec 2015
The english is still pretty bad, and doesn't make any sense, plus it's to short

Review by Daz Revan
14 Jun 2014
Story has potential, would have liked more detailed descriptions.

Review by awesomeman12345
13 Jun 2014
Great story, great concept! I loved it the only problem was that some of the picture were pretty bad but still a great game good goin :)

Review by Anonymous678
30 May 2014
Good story.

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