Antonimo's Revenge, or, The Modern Tragedy by shradke

The Premise:
You are Antonimo Gerard. As a recent graduate with high prospects in your field, your life is on a good track. When a murder is committed near your apartment however, your plans are put on hold. As police officers and court officials pass it off as a suicide, it becomes apparent that justice will not serve itself. It is up to you to discover the truth.

Take Control:
Investigate, interrogate, and collect evidence in order to uncover what happened and who is guilty. Will you let the courts decide, or will you take matters into your own hands? The choice is yours, and justice must be dealt.

To play, begin by reading what is on screen. Text adventures rely on description and imagination, so pay attention to the details and read everything before you decide what to do. When you want to interact with anything, type a command in the text bar and press ‘enter.’ If the command is valid, responding text will appear describing the result of the action.
An easier way to play is to make use of the hyperlinks on screen. Anything underlined is clickable and, if there are multiple actions possible, a list will show up with the options you can choose from. When an item is placed in your inventory, the action list is accessible by clicking it in the inventory bar on the right. This functions the same as entering text without doing the actual work of typing.
Note: some commands are not always visible on screen as hyperlinks (especially when it comes to buildings you come across and buying things). Additionally, typing ‘look around’ won’t get you anywhere. Specificity is key.

Created as a final project for ENGL 412 at the University of Calgary, Winter 2017.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 11 Apr 2017
Updated 12 Apr 2017





