Magenta Calling {BETA} by TakingFlyte

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
Spying on people has always been your charm. From your brother, to the people at school that you dislike the most, you've always found some way to creep into not only their business but their skin. Under their skin, preferably. As you did this, a certain group of spies called the Magentas found your methods desirable and wanted to know your secrets. Not only was there that group, but also another in particular. The Teals. You saw figures showing up at your windows, strange, unexplainable knocks on your door and odd noises and flashes of light from out of absolutely nowhere. You began to get freaked out, but then you saw them with your own eyes. Both of them. The tall, not dark, but still strange and handsome leaders of their own groups, each trying to convince you to join them. You refused, wanting to create your own group of spies which consisted of your friends and your friends ONLY. You had no time for some lowly wanna-be spy group's inquiries on asking you to join their pitiful dumpster party. But is their group REALLY that small...?

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Review by Mystery Man
21 Sep 2015
Thank you for reviewing my game utopia demo, I will updating weekly.
I will do my best with improving my games grammar.
Thanks and enjoy creating more games

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 19 Sep 2015
Updated 25 Sep 2015





