In Wonderland by ImReallyNotSam

"Have you ever wanted to be in a pornographic version of Wonderland or play a game that takes place in a pornographic version of Wonderland? Well, you still can't.

But this is the closest you'll ever come to such a dream! Embark on an adventure to a place that's called Wonderland, has a few elements from Wonderland, is even called Wonderland, but still isn't Wonderland! Meet iconic, totally new characters such as the Crazy Hatter (who's too busy not being here, so we got the Mad Hatter), Cheshire Dog, the Scarlet Queen (who was killed and replaced with/by the Red Queen), the Silver Queen (who twisted her ankle on the job and we had to use her understudy the White Queen), and the Jabbervvock (who... We wish was gone)! Wonder where the hell is Alice and why you can't play as her as you play as Budget Alice (Ally) and explore the Author's raunchy cheap version of Wonderland that you don't allow your kids to see, ever!

... Yeah, it doesn't sound all that fun. At least the YOU KNOW WHAT scenes are hot."

Before you play this game, you should probably know that this is my first game, and whatnot. Also, there's a lot of fetish stuff in this game (obviously). Some of it is unavoidable, as it is central to the plot. Don't worry, though. It's nothing TOO extreme. As in, nothing to the extent of vomiting over.

Also, please feel free to give me some feedback, criticism, encouragement, what have you. I'm always willing to hear what everyone has to say.

UPDATE: Alright, I think I should say this. To be honest with you, I've lost a great deal of interest in this story and continuing it, not to mention I've had a lot of other more important things on my plate recently. I said I planned to finish this game before 2016, well, I don't know if it'll be finished at all, which really sucks considering I had this whole story planned out. Sadly, life happened. I'm not gonna say sorry and I won't try to give you all some flaky, flowery words. That won't cut it, because all of you 6 people deserve the truth. This story is near dead (but not quite dead yet), and honestly, the only way it'll be finished now is if I manage to get my life stuff figured out (but who knows, maybe some miracle will happen).

You should be disappointed, I know I am.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 08 Jun 2016
Updated 25 Aug 2016





