Reflection by Jynxed1

Christina Aguilera discovers a whole new world with the help of her reflection.

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Review by Water BoyX8
10 Sep 2013
This is really weird, as Christina really takes everything calmly (like that time the dino-bird snatched her and brought her to its nest, while being able to not scream and freak out. And yet screamed and freaked out when she looked through the 'Present Room' and saw herself). Also, this would give Jennifer Lopez a bad name, as you claimed that she was a Chupacabra. I'm not saying to base stories on real people, but saying they're a monster? That's just going too far. And mirror people are cliched. Really really cliched. And saying 'Aw man' is not normal when having swapped places with your mirror self. And this text adventure is really bloody, as in having a dark theme. And is there a thing between you and gays? Because it sure seems like it

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 09 Sep 2013

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