Quest for the Serpent's Eye by Lazygamedesigner82

**New:** August 13th, 2022 - V1.1.3 - Fixes an incorrect item description in the temple.

Full walkthrough:

Do you long for the days of sensational descriptions, ridiculously inconsistent monochrome artwork, and the mind-numbing frustration of seemingly impossible puzzles? If so, this might be the game for you!

Grab your map and compass and set off in search of a legendary lost jungle treasure!

Inspired by some of my favourite titles of the Apple II era, this game is designed to be nothing more than a nostalgic bit of fun for the young and young at heart.

Please feel free to message me if you're stuck on a particular section and need a hint (for those that wish to avoid the full walkthrough)! Although this game can be played in your browser, I highly recommend that you download and play it with the Quest interpreter for the best overall experience.

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Review by Toki <3
26 Mar 2021
I loved this game! Very thought out and the illustrations were amazing. I really enjoyed it, recommend!

Review by DavyB
07 Feb 2021
What a delight! This is a beautifully crafted family-oriented game that must have taken many hours of careful thought and testing to bring it to this stage. The illustrations are outstanding but what I probably enjoyed most was the underlying playfulness of the author. It felt as if he/she really enjoyed creating the game and was aiming for the highest possible standard.

I did struggle in a few places, so don't expect to complete this quickly, but the puzzles all felt fair, with suitable hints around them. Highly recommended!

Review by JonQ
06 Feb 2021
Love this old-school adventure with the feel of classic 80s games. Although it has amusing references to Zork and King's Quest, the graphics are original & attractive, and the puzzles are a rewarding challenge without being overly tedious. It's forgiving with save options, but it's not too easy either. My 10 year old daughter has enjoyed it, but it's also a decent challenge for me in my late 40s. Great job on this game, and I hope to see more by this author!

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 23 Jan 2021
Updated 13 Aug 2022





