Three Choices. by em2210

READ PLEASE.It's a story where you get three choices. There is three endings. Please put comments, this is my first story. I'm just a teen, curious about my writing and if anyone likes it.
Review by TriangleGames
18 May 2017
As the description suggests, this is not a lengthy or involved game. It is, essentially, an interesting arrangement of writing samples. The writing seethes with potential. I enjoyed reading it, which is arguably the most important part. The concepts are relatable and intriguing, and the word choice is cleverly evocative.
However, things like punctuation and verb tense are sloppy. I suspect this was either written very hastily, or perhaps English is not the authors native language. The latter I suspect most due to the reference of "soapy operas" rather than "soap operas." Although that may have been an intentional device that I misunderstood.
It's worth reading every bit of this.

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Published 16 May 2017

