Abraham by dhud0001

Employees of a world-renowned company are planning a heist. You are falsely accused. You have to uncover the truth and escape the building before you are found and killed.

"This should be an award-winning game."
- Alan Dean Foster

"The imagination would make this adventure a non-stop, thrilling, fast-paced, adrenaline-packed roller-coaster."
- Michael Bay

"This text adventure game is amazing. It should be sold to anyone who is willing to play it. It's not great that people have high expectations of gaming nowadays. Text based adventures have been labelled as 'mediocre' for a long time. But gamers who are willing to play this would be sucked into it and ultimately prefer this on their laptops instead of Call of Duty on their PS3."
- Michael Menzel

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Review by Cryophile
19 Mar 2011
I gave up after the first room.
The color scheme was ridiculous, but can fortunately be disabled through Quest's options. The game dumps me into an office room with a large number of randomly capitalized items, and few of them can be interacted with properly at all. Most of them just gave me random error messages of the "You can't see that here" ilk. I stopped playing. Maybe I would have given this game a higher rating if I'd encountered this somewhere -after- the first room.

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Written for Quest 4.1
Added 12 Mar 2011





