College of Vore by Rawstake

Hi, hello, I am a person who is attempting to make games. The first game I did was a Text Adventure, which is difficult, so I stopped working on that. During that time, I brewed a loose game idea. I am now attempting to translate that idea into said game. I also plan to add drawings to this game that I made myself, but that is well into the future. If I take a while to update, as I’m taking a break.

NOTE: This is an adult game, so don't play this while on a bus or something.

This contains stuff unsuitable for the public, such as: vore, sex, friendship, and fish people.

Update Log

-0.1 : Released the game, which includes the first day, and the beginnings of 2 storylines (Those won’t be the only paths), along with the fails associated with each part. Nothing is set in stones as of yet, so they could change.

Feedback is always appreciated and expected.

This game contains (or will contain) the following:
Vore (Anal, Oral), Unbirth, Nudity, and Digestion (NOT graphic)

This game will NEVER contain the following:
Male preds, Cock Vore, Graphic Descriptions, Gore (Slight blood is allowed [i.e. cuts and scrapes], but nothing more.

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Review by Forme
29 Oct 2020
This game is ok i would like you to add a few more options and also add nippel vore and also actually have unbirth in the game. Also would be nice having one more day.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 10 Oct 2020
Updated 07 Nov 2020





