The Folding of the Mare by Jennifer Wren

This is a re-enactment of the events that came before, when what we now call our home was considered a barren island elsewhere under heaven.
There is a great deal of evidence to suggest these events which were dictated to me happened, exactly as they are found within, however, no history or science is ever more perfect and complete than the memory that keeps it, or else the mind that dreams it into existence, itself, the subject, and object, of many a dream, sometimes, be it, of its own, and sometimes,


That said, this is a story that encapsulates, but not in great detail, really, one traveler's journey back through time, to the time before the collision that destroyed an icy water planet sometimes called Theia, and another planet, upon which we roam.
(I did not know the names of many items and species, and so, did the easiest thing,
substituting close approximations from a later point in time.)

As usual, the top of the page will tell you where you are, in white, on a tab of sky blue, unless I find out how to change its colour before I'm through, and I don't think it looks like I will. There is a three-part clock, an inventory, a room item list, and interactive exits, all in the right margin. To travel, in any direction, tap an arrow. To interact with characters or items, that are in the area you are in, or above that, in your inventory, tap the item name, then its verb list appears, choose a verb, click. "Take" adds things to your inventory. "Drop" drops them.
As you complete tasks/activities, visit every accessible area.
Some game areas only open after this.
(btw: Spend all the time you like. It is not possible to run out of time in this game unless you actually want to live there, night and day, for so long that you sleep through the night. I just put the time in the margin for fun.)

You may need to slide the page up or down, some of the time to see what's hidden beyond the edges. There is a slider along the right edge of the screen, and you should use it whenever half the picture isn't visible because it has slid up above the top edge of the screen, or words or pictures are still below the bottom edge. Don't forget there are links in the margin to play with, just lightly tap them, and be patient in case it takes a second. There are also pictures, and so you can always try to interact with the pictures, as well. I have tried that, myself. I will not spoil it for you by telling you whether or not I also set it up to work that way. Let it be a surprise if it does. If you are surprised, please contact me directly!

I used tones from :
My PC is lousy and is singly to blame, for any clicking sounds.
I used software to draw :

(I had to upload a new file, as a book had gotten stuck shut, a footbridge had drifted into other waters, and a list of secret cities was being displayed on the wall at the border. I apologize. This is still my first day.
After that, everything was good, but I had less boat security than I needed and people were making off with the rowboats. So, that was one more new upload.)

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Review by daeun
05 Sep 2023
Immersive world.

Review by GAZArts
18 May 2023
Really enjoying this so far, I say so far because I found myself stopping in THEIA's Centre Square for longer than I should have so I could play the 'game' with Chione and Nikosi!
To be honest, I was going to give the game a 4/5 because I did get the odd error, such as when visiting Summer bordertown. If you try talking to Chione you get an syntax error. But the reason I give it a 5 is because by and large this game works, and the amount of effort put in to it is immense. I really like your imagination! your world building and story telling skills are exceptional. Being a sci-fi nerd I was sold from the beginning with the time travel element and the audio ambiance when visiting new areas. Great use of pictures too.
Side note - I really liked the idea of you taking away the command bar so the player solely uses the interface. I may adopt this approach with my next game!

Great work

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 08 May 2023
Updated 22 May 2023





