The Deep Dungeon by Number Zero

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A short text adventure game as a part of "The Prisoner Virtual Convention 2" (September 2020).

I been hard at work under "The Village". The Dark Cave has been extended, and a number of rooms and corridors have been constructed. The rooms contain clues and puzzles, and it is your task to negotiate these rooms and corridors in an attempt to escape from the dungeon.

Navigate through the maze by giving text instructions (such as turn right), or use the navigation tools. In the same way you can interact with items in the dungeons by text commands or selecting actions from the menu - for example you can enter "Pick up knife". Be aware that some actions depend on other actions, so you cannot cut string until you are holding the knife. The game is three-dimensional, so don't forget you can also go up and down if the options exists.

Read the clues carefully, and try to be logical.

This game is for entertainment only - no prizes for completing the puzzle (apart from your own sense of achievement) and possibly a mention on the Virtual Convention pages.

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Written by
Number Zero

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 06 Sep 2020
Updated 26 Sep 2020





