Sexcilian Defence by Simon

This is my first teXXXt adventure with the Quest engine. Combining the eroticism of chess with the sexual tension of being in the same room as an actual lady with real hair that is pretty.

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Review by MisterPibb316
17 May 2015
A goofy little game about playing chess and having sex with someone because... sex. After spending half a minute wiping away tears from the Emmy-deserving plot, you'll have beaten the game. Congrats!

Review by Marzipan
16 Mar 2015
The below reviewer has no sense of humor.

That said, this wasn't really long enough to qualify for a higher rating than 'OK'. (And if I didn't feel so bad about the previous person being all mean and stuff it honestly probably would have been a two...this is funny but way too short.)

Make in longer, and harder next time okay? (she says, purring all seductively like someone from the telly)

Review by Alvera
16 Mar 2015
This was a horrible excuse for a 'game' that was probably made by a five year old.

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Written for Quest 4.1
Added 20 Jan 2011

