Ghost Circles by johntyrell

This is an interactive thesis looking at comic adaptations into video games. Specifically examining Telltale game 'Bone: Out From Boneville' and Jeff Smith's 'Bone', 2K Interactive's 'The Darkness' and Marc Silvestri and Garth Ennis' comic, 'The Darkness' and finally, Telltale games 'The Wolf Among Us and Bill Willingham's 'Fables'.

Although not strictly a game, this interactive work is a companion piece to the printed version of the same thesis.

It covers such subjects as narrative, gameplay, immersion, emergence, sound and most importantly, adaptation.

Please note, I've seen that the included videos are not playing at their correct times. Despite much work I can only assume this is a quirk of this program. Included are links to the correct times on the YouTube videos.

Thanks to Natalia, Billie and Dave for helping me with this.

John Tyrell
BA Illustration and Visual Media
LCC - University of the Arts, London

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 13 Feb 2016
Updated 14 Feb 2016

