Where is everyone? by GAZArts

You have been living the same day on a loop for over a year, your monotonous routine never varying. Each morning, you rise from your slumber, feed your beloved feline companion, Felix, before attempting, and failing, to connect to your home's WiFi.

Then, you set off on a venture to seek out your neighbours, hoping to make some connection with the outside world. But it seems that fate has other plans for you.
Each time you step out of your abode, the snow begins to fall, heavier and heavier with each passing moment, forcing you to retreat back to your isolation.

Something is amiss, you can feel it, and your intuition does not deceive you. It's been almost a year, and you haven't seen a soul. No one seems to come out of their homes, no cars on the streets, and no planes in the sky. It's as if the entire world has vanished, leaving you stranded in your solitude.

The last thing you remember is hearing the sirens, the kind that usually accompany an air raid. Then, everything went silent, and the snow began to pour.

Author's note:
*Best played with headphones.
*Downloading is the recommended way to play.
*There are three different endings.

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Review by daeun
05 Feb 2024
A giant and immersive world using only little coding.
A recommended game for new game creators to learn from as well.

Review by Jennifer Wren
22 May 2023
This is a great game. I found it really easy to imagine being stuck in this house for a year because of the way everything was described. My favourite part was Felix. I read the detail about the car in the driveway (before I discovered Felix), and mistook the word car for cat, which made me wonder. So, it's a good thing Felix was IN THE HOUSE. I also loved the sound effects of the snow. Walking through the neighborhood was immense fun. I haven't figured out all of the puzzles, so there are a few places I still haven't seen. I did die, once, and was pleased that I still got to keep my collection. (I like scary stories.)

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 24 May 2023
Updated 05 Jun 2023





