Door Simulator by Giggling_Kiste

This is the official door simulator 2013
You start off as a wooden door and have to choose for whom you'd like to swing open and whose path you want to block. Choose well.

Image taken from ( by Salvatore Vuono

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Review by letmeclosethedoor
13 Oct 2020
this game seemed good btu then there is very shitty bug where i cant close door wtf!!!!

let me close door or i come to your houseand bash door on you!!!!

Review by ToastingMellowz
13 Nov 2014
Not really an accurate simulator, I like it a lot! It kind of feels like you're playing Cookie Clicker, but with game overs.

Review by nzt314
27 Jul 2014
Wow. Not a great game, but pretty excellent if you consider the limited possibilities of life as a door.

Review by bukimi
14 Nov 2013
Not a diamond among rocks, but hey, how often can you play as DOOR?

Review by HeadbuttHarley
30 Sep 2013
NOT Brilliant. NOT the Best game ever. The hinge-wrenching plot and deep, involved tragedy lead, a game, but three blind mice and hysteria..... oh, forget it!

Review by Hexalan
30 Sep 2013
Brilliant. Best game ever. The heart-wrenching plot and deep, involved strategy lead to a compelling game, but blind chance and historical context of anglo-iberian conflict makes this the best game of 2013.

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