Don't know yet. BROKEN, Working one in description by jamop

BROKEN. LINK TO WORKING ONE: This is a game that has tinies and giantesses and you can soon play in the POV of any character you want. I have teleporters they are still kind of a WIP. If you are downloading this to play on quest. Make sure to go the Google Drive link provided and download the .mp3 file. If you do not have this file then the game will not make quite as much sense: I'm sorry for making a bad game and will try to fix it and make it better. However I cannot fix it if I don't know what I need to fix. I had to make generate a new Game ID because it would not let me edit it online. I hope this did this did not mess up any save files but if it did I'm so sorry. Also I have made it so that should you put on panties/pants while controlling the guest. That then you have to use the teleporters to get in out of the vagina until you take them off. Please comment suggestions on what you think this game should be called. I have made it so the shrink ray requires a battery to use. This is the best way to do it without the game being unplayable. Since you are in play mode you will see this when using the shrinkray: Error running script: Cannot change name of element when not in Edit mode. No need to worry about that it's just Quest being Quest.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Added 29 Jan 2023
Updated 14 Oct 2024





